Wednesday, January 18, 2012

poor willow

My poor Willow had to spend the day at the vets.   I dropped her off at 8.15.  It was supposed to be 8 but the receptionist was sick and they had to call in a temp.   And as coincidence would have it when I gave her my surname she said Oh are you Jarrods mum.  When I said yes she said to tell him that Kate says hello.
I forgot that I had a hair appointment at 3 and what with after work traffic it was about 5 before I finally got back to pick Willow up.   She was fine.   You would never have known that she had had her 4 middle lower teeth removed and her left very back molar.  She has always had crooked teeth and they were the ones she had to have removed.  The back molar had become loose and damaged as it appears that she chews mainly on her left side.   Willows teeth had a good clean and hopefully her teeth will stay good.   I will have to try to get her to eat some teeth cleaning chews to keep them in good condition.  About the only things she will chew on are pigs ears and the cardboard middle from toilet rolls.

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