Thursday, May 31, 2012

Where's my camera

Walking to work via the lake today and I wished that I had brought my camera. The last day of autumn and there was a huge fog and in some places a light frost. It is going to be even colder overnight tonight so I will bring my camera tomorrow and maybe get a nice shot of the fog over the near empty lake, and maybe get a nice shot.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

is the weather following me

We had a 21st party to go to tonight so nothing like leaving everything to the last minute so at 2 o clock decided to go and buy a present.   We had been told there was a couple of good novelty shops in Brunswick St Fitzroy so we headed on down and found a park.   Oops forgot about meters and only had enough change for about an hour and a half.  Guess that will have to do.  We steped out of the car and it started raining a few more steps and it was pouring with rain.  I at least had a shower proof jacket with a hood and we didn't have an umbrella so we had to make do.   Anyway long story short by the time we found the shop and deemed nothing in it suitable well with a shop name of Shagarama you can guess what a lot of the content had to do with.   It was enjoyable browsing though.  We worked our way back down Brunswick St and stopped another couple of novelty shops and a tea shop.  That was very interesting but definately not suitable.  And the rain didn't let up until we were on our way home.  Oh well looks like we will end up with the old fall back present.   A funny card with a $100 note.  Could be worse I suppose.
Anyway the party was good.  Everyone got into the theme of TV characters and there were some great ones, good company and a good night.

Friday, May 25, 2012


Went swimming for the first time in about five years. I had been trying to get there for about a month now and in the middle of a storm I decide to go. Doesn't sound very bright but at least I finally got there. I had to traverse a fallen tree across Canterbury road, an accident on the corner of Mt Dandy Rd the wind the rain and fogged up windows. I had never swum at Croydon before so I wasn't to sure where I was going. Can't say I really enjoyed the whole experience. I was cold most of the time and when I used the showers to wash my hair after I finished my swim before goings home I found that the showers were automatic. Sounds like a good idea but the water temperature was just off cold so I still couldn't warm up. Add to that the fact that they work on sensors and every time I turned around or moved a bit they clicked off. I was nearly finished my rather cool shower when I could hear two male voices having a conversation. I froze for a moment. Oh no. Don't tell me I've come into the men's showers. Don't panic I told myself there's nothing you can do about it now. Just finish your shower and quietly slip out of the change room and never, never, ever show your face at this pool again. When dressed I opened the shower door a crack and peeked out. The coast seemed to be clear so I began walking out. Then I noticed, on the wall a tampon machine. Whew. I'm OK. It has to be the ladies shower room but just to be doubly sure as I walked out I checked the sign over the door.

booking online

I am a newby when it comes to booking online. I do my banking and other general stuff but even when I bought my cute and fancy gumboots from the one and only time I have used eBay beautiful Jen Jen did it for me. So I had researched the plane flights to Cairns and Mildura. Found the ones that I wanted. The times were good and the prices were even better - cheap. I gave myself an hour in the morning to go to the library and book the tickets. I don't do anything concerning money from home as I don't have security on my computers. I booked the return trip for Rodger to Mildura. That went OK but it was lucky I booked when I did as there were only two seats left on the plane at the time we wanted. That went without a hitch but I was nervous about committing and saying buy. What if I had made a mistake. I then moved onto the bigger flights. The ones to Cairns. I double checked the times and dates put in my details then it asked me to pay for the ticket. This can't be right. What about Rodgers details. I asked Andrea if this was right. She has done a lot of traveling. She came and had a look. Oh she said, it has defaulted to one passenger. Back to the start. Made sure it was for two passengers went through the whole application then noticed that i had clicked on the Monday instead of the Tuesday. I'm going to have a heart attack at this rate so it was back to the start again. Tuesday up Monday back. Right dates got it all right this time. Finally. Buy. Put in credit card details, a SMS will be sent to your mobile phone from your bank. WHAT! But I don't have my phone on me. I had five minutes left on the computer. I'll be back in a few minutes I told the girls. I jumped in the car raced down the hill grabbed my phone from where it was plugged in by the bed raced back to the library, put the SMS code in. You will need to get a new SMS code from your bank. I pressed get SMS code again. My phone beeped. That code didn't work. You will need to get another SMS code from your bank. Third time lucky?  No. Your attempt to buy tickets has been unsuccessful. It was now 11 o'clock and too late for me to try again.
I went back to the library after grandparents day. This time I wasn't stressed for time, I had my mobile phone, I was just so over the whole buying tickets thing. I felt like a veteran by now. I put in the dates bought one lot of checked luggage, bought cheap insurance, just in case because it was my first time doing this stuff and it was cheap and yes I know all about add ons. That is where companies really make their money bit they have proved their worth to me over the years. I was still getting v. Cheap flights. Done -finally.

grandparents day at school

And it poured with rain. I think we had a months rain. One day. That aside it was a lovely day. We got to see what a modern classroom was like. It is so much different to when my kids went to schol. There is a huge interactive screen at the front of the room and computers everywhere. The classrooms are built around a large communal area full of toys and games and tables and chairs and mats. Something's remain the same but are far more organized.

Monday, May 21, 2012

some people are more important than others

I arrived at the Supreme Court a little earlier than necessary but then if I am not a half hour early then I am late.   I don't like to be rushed.  I would prefer to have plenty of time to look around and get the feel of a place.  I walked through the front doors and followed the young girl in front of me.   As she swiped her card I suddenly noticed the sign on the door.   Staff entrance.  Ooops.  I stopped abruptly and looked around.  There to my right was a huge door with a secruity system similar or the same as they have at airports.  Just put all your items on the conveyor any loose items put them in a tray.   I put my bag on the conveyor and my folder with my ipad in a tray. I've got no idea what I have in my bag.  I looked at him.  Could be anything.  Take off your belt and anything you may have in your pockets including coins and put them in the tray.  I was a bit taken aback.  I wasn't expecting this. For a moment there I just couldn't think.  What did I have in my coat pockets, did I have anything in my pants pockets.   I began patting myself down.   I don't have any idea what I have on me.  I looked at the guy like he might be able to give me a bit of a clue.   He smiled at me.   Thats OK he said just walk through the screen and it will tell me if you have anything.  I felt relieved and stopped patting myself down.  I walked through the archway and didn't make a sound.  I picked up my bag and folder.   Your a bit early the guy was making conversation.   Yes I know I replied but it is a lot warmer in here than it is out there.  There are always chairs you can sit down on.   I smiled and headed for the elevator.   Level 2 and I stepped out.  There was already a couple waiting and about 10 minutes after I arrived a young girl came and sat down.  I looked at their small historical display -  The inebriates act of 1857 - I had never heard of that before. 
About 5 minutes before the doors opened a (I assume) barrister in his full black gown loaded with 3 folders came and stood right in front of the doors.  He was going to be the first one in.  Bugger anyone else who had been waiting.   I looked at him with his shaved head - so full of himself and thought TWOT.  I stood beside him with my pink folder and when the doors clicked he pushed them open and rushed through the doors with black robes flying, rushed straight to a ticket machine just inside the room punched a docket out on the machine and sat down.  There you go, he had a use afterall.  I would have wandered around aimlessly trying to figure out what to do.  I punched a docket out for myself and sat down.  A couple of minutes later and my number was called.  The job was done in half an hour and I was out of there.  All the staff that I had contact with were fantastic and I have to say that I would give them all gold stars.


David Dropped me off in the city today at 7.  Had two and a half hour wait til the supreme court opened.   I went and checked out where I was to go and asked the lass opening a newstand where the closest McDonald's was. Porkastreeta she replied and looked down queens st.  Huh, I must have missed something there.  Sorry where was that I enquired again.   Porkastreeta she again replied, then most likely noticing my blank look she added down streeta thata way and she pointed left and smiled.  Thank you, I smiled back still not sure where I was to be going.  I started off down the road and came to the first road..  It was little Bourke St.  Arha.   Bourke street mall.  Of course there is a McDonalds there.  A couple of minutes later and I was warmly ensconced with a cup of coffee in maccas with a cute little sparrow for company.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

william ricketts sanctuary

Some of the pieces at the William Ricketts Sanctuary in Mt Dandenong.  In 1977 I visited the William Ricketts Sanctuary in Alice Springs. Just remembered I think the Ionesco in Alice Springs is called Pitchie Ritchie.   The setting couldn't be more opposite.  It was a cold day when we visited but dry.  Moss covers a lot of the sculptures but the setting is beautiful.   A recent storm cut a swathe through the sanctuary knocking down several trees and breaking some of the sculptures.  I guess spirituality doesn't hold a lot of sway when it comes to mother nature. 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

mothers day mongolian

Had a lovely Mothers Day. It started early. Cam came over early on his way to work. Kimmii came a eras well and I finally caught up with my birthday present but it now became a birthday / mothers day present. I was very happy with it. Something else to dress my iPad up. Jarrod and Jen Jen took her parents and David and I out to a Mongolian restaurant for dinner. We could either order from the menu or have the all you can ear. You select your own ingredients and seasoning and the chef behind the glass cooks it individually for you. It was a novel way to have a meal and something a bit different. One bowl was enough for me and I didn't have the room to order coffee. Just as well I think as Jen Jen parents order a buckalatte and it was huge. I am so going to go back again just so I can have a coffee.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

After rebooking

Rebooked my train ticket three times.  The last time when I went into the local 'station' to pick up the new ticket I was told in very serious terms that this was definately the last time I would be able to change my ticket.  I assured her that this was it, but I don't think she really believed me.   Saturday morning to catch the bus/train back to Melbourne I went up to the station when Rodger went up to the museum.  They are separated only by a car park and an access road.   I spent a lovely couple of hours chatting with the locals and I am beginning to feel like one of them.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

saga day 5

Were told that as soon as Rodger had an xray to make sure everything was how it was supposed to be in his shoulder he would be able to go home.  Here lies another problem.  Getting him in to be x-rayed.   Sometime after lunch they finally came for him - at least now he was able to eat so that was a bonus.  About 4.30 the dr. was able to look at the x-rays and he was told he could go home but he was not to lift anything for 6-8 weeks.  If he damaged his shoulder it would be a major operation to fix it and he would most likely never have proper use of his arm/shoulder again.   He was given exercises by the physio and sent home.  Back in two weeks for a checkup.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

day 2 in hospital or day four of saga

When we left last night we were told that Rodger was first priority for the morning.   Reality was different.   About 10 he got a pair of stockings, then some fancy underwear and a hat about 12, by the afternoon he had been prepped for surgery.  At 3 was told he was half hour away and then at 6 was told he was next in line after two emergencies and the good news was that he was in front of four others.  I suppose that is some progression.  Now at 7 it looks highly unlikely that he will be going anywhere tonight.  Wow.  No sooner said than they came for him.   But still a little hitch.   They wheeled Rodger into surgery and then reaslised they didn't have all the paperwork they needed signed so they wheeled him out again, raced around got the Dr. to sign for the surgery, then wheeled him back in again.  Three hours later and he was back in the ward and awake.  Had an eight hole plate put in, several bits of bone removed and a large screw right through the collar bone to keep top and bottom together.   The extra bit that they originally thought was an like an extra rib that he had turned out to be a piece of bone from the collar bone so it certainly made a good break of it so to speak.  Glad it is finally all done.  Really pretty poor effort to have to wait four days for surgery after a motorbike accident.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

day one in hospital

Rodger finally got a bed first in emergency and then in a ward. He was then scheduled for surgery for late Tuesday afternoon. Here it is nearly s 8 pm and the dr. Has told us it may not happen until tomorrow afternoon as they don't have an aesthetist. The guy in the bed opposite is also a bike rider and usually is the safety rider for the bike leg of the local triathlon but he couldn't do it last year and as coincidence has it Rodger was his replacement rider and did it on his bike last year. What a small world. Rodger has had about one and a half small meals of sandwitches in the last three days and very little to drink. He has to fast in case they can fit him in for his operation. If he is not operated on tonight he will be lucky to end up with a plate of sandwiches. Eight in the evening and we have been informed that now the op will be (hopefully) tomorrow morning, baring emergencies between 8 & 9 in the morning. Actually the surgeon went as far as to say that Rodger would be top priority  Of course the kitchen was shut, but the nice nurse did the best she could and came up with a huge mug of coffee, two rounds of sandwiches apple juice and ice cream.  Not a great feast after three days but better than nothing.  We are beginning to realised that things more very slowly at mildura base hospital. At least now we have a bed and an operation scheduled for sometime. We are feeling slightly buoyed by the fact that we are top priority - baring emergencies of course.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Day two sitting in emergency

Am really cheesed off at the moment and just HAD A FEW WORDS with the nurses in the emergency department. Seven hours in here yesterday and we arrived back at 10 this morning . It is now 3 and we are still waiting. There was an accident yesterday and the busiest day ever in emergency Yesterday (or so the nurse this morning said ). We are now the only people waiting. Occasionally someone will come in wait a while then go but still we wait and wait. After I lost it! at least someone came out and saw us and explained that the person 'the orthopedic surgeon' that needed to see us was in surgery and it would be an undetermined time before we could be seen and we were not to go away in case they could fit us in for a short time. I said what would have been the harm in someone coming and telling us that instead of just leaving us to sit and sit and sit not know what was going on. We are one person, we could have been informed seeing as we have been waiting in emergency now for 15 hours. Finally at four thirty they decided he needed to be operated on. If you don't have the operation they informed him eventually the sharp bit of bone that is pressing against the skin will go through the skin. What do they think he would choose to go through life with a busted shoulder? Rodger finally got a bed first in emergency and then in a ward. He was scheduled for surgery for late Tuesday afternoon. Here it is nearly s 8 pm and the dr. Has told us it may not happen until tomorrow afternoon as they don't have an aesthetist. The guy in the bed opposite is also a bike rider and usually is the safety rider for the bike leg of the local triathlon but he couldn't do it last year and as coincidence has it Rodger was his replacement rider and did it on his bike last year. What a small world. Rodger has had about one and a half small meals of sandwitches in the last three days and very little to drink. He has to fast in case they can fit him in for his operation. If he is not operated on tonight he will be lucky to end up with a plate of sandwiches.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

This is where something's start

Now I am getting to what the somethings are. Sunday morning Rodger went out to muster some cattle and long story short he came off the trail bike at about 80 clicks and busted his shoulder. Being out there alone as the others had gone ahead of him he picked up his bike and rode it back to the house. In his words, he certainly wasn't going to walk back. He was driven into the Robinvale Hospital and they sent him up to Mildura hospital emergency. Now this is where things start to kick in. Of course he couldn't drive himself and by the look of his shoulder he was going to be there a while so I drove him to the emergency department. When we got to the ED it was crowded. The man behind the glass that we has to deal with first was one of the rudest people in a care environment or any other environment that I have ever come across. The triage nurse in the adjoining window was the second rudest. So not a good start to our emergency department visit. It seems nearly everyone else was more important than us. After arriving at approx 1.30 we sat there until 6.30 before he was finally taken in to be x-rayed then we sat for another good hour before they decided that they didn't know what to do with him and told us to go home and come back aaain at 10 in the morning. Great. An hours drive each way and my brother with a busted shoulder.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

More from the things mums keep

Home again and my brother has been going through the shed.  Ok it is a very large shed.  There are about three trunks of keepsakes there.  One of them is like a time capsule of my life.  Old school books, childhood birthday cards, letters that I wrote home.  Another trunk contains things like, the bride and groom arch from mum and dads wedding cake and mums wedding dress. There are the cards and telegrams they got on their wedding day.    It so nice to see all these things but there is a huge problem now.   What do I do with all of this.   I don't want to throw it out - I can't throw it out but where do I put it?  I guess I will have to wait until David comes to Robinvale with his car and take it all back to my place.   Think I am going to have a lot of rearranging to do at home.

fast trains

Sometimes I wonder if something was meant to be . I arrived at Southern Cross Station a half hour early and boarded the near empty train as it was a lot warmer in the train than on the station platform.  This train was an unreserved fast train to Bendigo.  I hadn't been able to book the one I usually take via Swan Hill as it was fully booked due to a festival in Bendigo that wekend.  About ten minutes before departure three young girls sat down in the three vacant seats next to me.  I looked around the train.  It was filing up very fast and by the time the train pulled out of the station there was standing room only.  Good thing I believe in getting too the station early otherwise I would have had one very  uncomfortable trip to Bendigo.When I phoned up to book the ticket I was assured that there would be plenty of seats available on the fast train as most of the people going to the festival would have taken the earlier train.  Obviously there were a lot of people the same as me, didn't book early enough and by the look of the crowd heading to Bendigo it was definately a young persons festival.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The quiet life

I can't believe how quiet things have been recently. Nothing to write about which I suppose is good but also strange. Maybe I had better not jinx myself.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

mmm dinner

I arrived home from work tonight starving hungry. It was straight to the fridge and before long I had a serve of yesterdays stew sitting in a bowl in the microwave. I waited anxiously for the mike to beep, pulled out the hot bowl, placed it in front of me...and the phone rang. Hi Mum did you want to come over for dinner tonight. But... but... I was just about to dig into my stew I mumbled feeling even hungrier if that was possible. Fridge it was the reply from no. 4 son. OK if I do how long until dinner is ready I asked. We're just taking the meat out of the freezer now and about to defrost it.
Sounds like it is going to be a long time til dinner I said ungraciously. About 40 minutes but we can have a game of something while we are waiting, he encouraged me. I ignored the complaints of my stomach. It sounds like a good deal I said. It had been a while since I had caught up with Cam and Renee so I shouldn't let the opportunity go by. Be there in a few minutes. I looked wistfully at my stew. Maybe just a few mouthfuls as an entree. Just to tide me over. That wouldn't be too rude and I am sure I will enjoy my dinner just as much, I told myself. I stuck to a few mouthfuls and fridged the rest. Oh well at least I won't have to worry about dinner tomorrow night, I'll just have to pop it in the microwave.