Thursday, October 20, 2011

full turn

From one day to the next things can change so much.  Had  a phone call a few days ago to say mum had been put into hospital.  I didn’t know what to do.   I was due to go back to work the next day, so I decided to play it by ear and see how things went.  I looked at my calendar.  I was working all weekend but I had the following Tuesday off which was a week away.   I decided to take the Monday off and go up Monday and back Tuesday so I could check to make sure everything was ok and she was getting all the help she needed.   I worked Tuesday and Wednesday and called the hospital again to see how she was.  My brother was there.   Mum was upset.  She couldn’t understand why she was in hospital and just wanted to come home.  I talked to my brother.   You take tomorrow off and look after mum at home and I will be up there in the afternoon.   So I arrived on Thursday 20 October.  Things have been a mixed bag since.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Second day back at work today and a short day. Doing the checks in the depot before going out I noticed that a couple of the tyres looked to be getting bald. I decided to stop by the mechanics on the way out and get them to have a look at them. They investigated a bit further and found not only were those two tyres bald but the inside of the inside tyre on the other side had a band of steel showing through. I wound't be going out until the tyres were changed. Nice young man came from the typre joint and did all the work for me and then he said Oh by the way these two tyres here need to be replaced ASAP. There goes my day. Six bald tyres one balder and bolder than the others. Couldn't believe that I had been driving around on that tyre. Don't think it would have lasted much longer.


I was back at work yesterday after resting my back for a few more days and what a beautiful spot to start work for the week. My first stop was Powelltown then finally back to Warburton. It was a glorious day weather wise and the Yarra Valley was sparkling. The only problem was I seemed to have developed some kind of cold. I didn't feel unwell but my nose wouldn't stop running, I was sneezing and my eyes were watering. V. strange. Then today another glorious day, even warmer than yesterday, but when I got outside sneezing, nose running and eyes watery. How strange and how annoying. My nose felt like a dripping tap. Then later in the day I passed an ad that caught my eye. Is your nose running? are your eyes watering? are you sneezing. are your eyes itchy is your skin itchy. Yes, yes, yes, no, no. I looked closer at the ad. Don't let hayfever ruin your day. Hayfever ! I've never had hayfever before but it certainly made sense. When I went out and about my head would turn itself on. Back home and apart from bits of watery eyes, no problem. I bought a packet of the advertised tablets and hopefully when I go to work tomorrow I won't have a need for the tissues.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

wilderness society


I guess my memory must be a bit dodgy.   I didn't pick up on the fact that it is the 1 cent coin with the possum and of course the 2 cent coin has the frill necked lizard.

There were a couple of young guys who dressed and looked like they had just come out of the wilderness (am still wondering if it was a marketing ploy) set up with A4 photos of possums and plantations with huge scars from logging etc displayed on a bench seat outside the olive tree shopping complex.   They were hailing people as they walked past.  I 'll come back in a minute I said as I headed in to put my script in at the chemist.   True to my word I went back for a look.  (OK it may have been because I had nothing better to do while I waited).  Do  you remember the 2 cent coin he asked me.  Yes.  Well the possum that was on the 2 cent coin is now nearly extinct, and he pointed to a picture of a little possum.  Mmmm I wondered.  If I had been a teenager would he have asked me about the 2 cent coin.   Anyway he continued his spiel about plantations and I lost what the heck it was that he was trying to tell me. so I thought I would save us both the trouble and cut straight to the money. 
Are these items for sale.   No.   Do you want a donation.  No.  Well then what do you want I asked.  (Surely my script must be ready by now).   We are asking people to sign up to the Wilderness Society.  Oh.  Sorry not interested.  But why?  Just not interested I told him.   I didn't even bother asking him whether there was a fee involved or anything else.  Guess I'm just not a joiner.  I wandered away and picked up my script.  On the way back to my car I had to pass the two young men again.   Are you sure you won't change you mind he sailed towards me with a grin. I smiled.  Yes sure.  As I drove away the second young man was butting out a cigarette in the bin nearby.  It made me wonder just how much of the walk they walked or was it just the talk they talked.  
Cigarettes would have to be one of the biggest polluters of all time and cause extreme damage to the environment.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


We finally had our footy tipping family and friends lunch at the Langham yesterday.  Have to admit it is pretty hard not to be impressed with the Langham's foyer.  The Melba room where we had our all you can eat buffet at a pretty impressive price has a lovely view of Southbank.  Of course we overindulged.   I decided this year I was going to tackle the shell fish.   Tried Morten Bay Bug for the first time and it was the best of the crustaceans.  The rest of them were hard to get a feed from and quite forgettable.    Also v.brave and tried pickled jellyfish.  Not something I would go out of my way for and this time I just had to experience the chocolate fountain.  Not the best chocolate in the world but fun and passable.
By the way I came equal 2nd in the footy tipping. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

a happy read

And now for something compleatly different.
A quick read. I'm sure it made me a happier person for having read it.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

a worthwhile read


This is a compelling book.  She tells it like it was.  Kate doesn't go for the sympathy vote and she doesn't try to shift the blame.    

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Photos of the Murray River after flood.   Nature is an amazing thing.  Gone is the blue green algae that had plagued the river during the drought.   The floods came through, cleansed the river and it now looks cleaner than it has for a long long time.   The images above are of trees that had had a tenacious grip on the river bank.   Roots half out of the ground finally fully washed away by the water and falling into the river to become habitat for smaller creatures.  Trees once safe now clinging bravely to the waters edge.

another country trip

Thursday morning with back aching I boarded the Swan Hill train at Southern Cross station.  I just hoped that I wasn't going to be in too much pain for the trip.  I had already organized this ahead of time as I was taking mum up to the Dr.s in Mildura on the Friday.   Everybody was settled in and the train was packed.   Not as I thought with parents and school children as it was the school holidays but with seniors.   It was also senior week.  I looked around at the huge variety of seniors.   These seniors were just so much different to the seniors of old who would travel in their best clothes, make up on, these ones were out to enjoy life.  Some had backpacks and walking shoes others were more casually dressed going to visit family.  They were prepared with water bottles and chatted to whoever was available.   Then an announcement came over.   They had found a problem with the train and it would not be leaving the station.   Could we please leave the train and board the train on platform 4.   Everyone in good humor picked up their belongings and walked enmass back three platforms.  There was a wait of several minutes on the platform in the cold while they prepared the train and we all settled down again in the same seats with the same people.  Over half of the train got off at Bendigo.   One lady was going to Ararat the long way as the Ballarat train had been fully booked.   I was finally able to lay down and ease my back.  The coach trip from Swan Hill was uncomfortable but not painfull and I was so glad to finally arrive and be able to walk home to mums.

bottled orange wine

Finally bottled my orange wine today.   Had a little accident and lost about half a bottle so guess the half bottle will have to be consumed to save any further wastage!
Still have 6 bottles to set aside.  It is a fairly dry wine and I do prefer a sweet wine but in about 6 months it should be nice and mellow. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

mobile phone

It all began Sunday before last when I misplaced my mobile phone.  Monday morning before I left for work I tried calling it but it was switched off or out of range. It wasn't until Monday night after work that I walked into the kitchen and there it was sitting on the microwave.  It was still turned on and operable, v .curious  but glad I found it.  Tuesday it started acting v.strangely.  Turning off mid conversations and wouldn't allow me to access my messages.  Ahh I thought I bet the messages are overloaded.  I haven't deleted them for a while.  I phoned my carrier to see if they could do it remotely.  The tech asked me to turn my phone off, remove the back and take out the battery and sim card.  Couldn't take back off phone so asked young ones if they would.  They couldn't get the back off either.   Several minutes of "talking sweetly" to the phone and the tech guy came up with a game plan.   It worked and the back popped off, then back to young ones to get them to take the sim card out.  I didn't want to damage anything.  Waited couple of minutes then put everything back again.   Turned on phone and had to reset phone.   Messages still wouldn't work.   Tech guy decided that the phone software had become corrupted.  - am now wondering where phone went when it dissapeared on Sunday, sounds like it may have gotten itself into trouble -  He suggested taking it into a service centre to be fixed would cost $20 or so.  Or get a new phone.   Did I want him to tell me about some deals that were on.   I declined.   On Wednesday David fiddled with phone and deleted most of photos but still couldn't get into the messages.  I gave up on phone and decided to wait until next Wednesday to get a new phone.   I ignored phone for rest of the week then after my accident decided it was at least handy as a phone book even if it didn't fully work.   I put the phone on the charger on Monday night.  Tuesday morning I checked phone and got straight into the messages.   Decided to delete all messages immediately.   Phone asked me do you really want to delete all 723 messages.   Yes, couldn't push button quick enough.  Hasn't missed a beat since.  
Memo to self.   Delete messages on weekly basis.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

some flowers from my garden

Spring has sprung.   The sun is shining, the beezz are buzzing and the warmth of the sun on my face makes everything seem right in the world.
oh and it is hard not to be impressed by all of the wonderful colour.

- native



Jared plant - native

Pom pom tree.

and a carpet of flowers to walk on.

Monday, October 3, 2011

farm life

                     Typical farm life in the 1940's and 50's.  Photos taken by Kath Morrow.


Modo had his second flyball lesson yesterday.  I was going to race home after flyball, drop Modo off, go across to Davids then we were going to go into the Melbourne show.  That was how the day was supposed to go.  Instead it went kind of like this.
Arrived early at flyball.   Modo was excited.   Of  five dogs that started last week only two turned up.   Well the first week was a bit disheartening.  Modo did a run through, he was co-operative today.   We did a second run through this time I was to run so Modo would chase and run faster.  As Modo neared me I ran, after several steps, looked behind to see where he was, slipped landed heavily on my tail.  Oh this is embarrassing I thought as I sailed through the air.   I half sat there winded and in exteme pain.  Oh no was my next thought this is even more embarrassing, I can't get up.  People and dogs converged from everywhere.  The first aide lady wanted to call an ambulance.   I didn't want her too.   People and dogs staring.   Just give me a bit of time, everyone go back where you came from.   No one moved.  I would feel better if you all left, but I was now the entertainment for the day.  First aide lady insisted on calling an ambulance.   Look I am fine just pulled the muscles in my back, there is no pain in my spine, no tingling in hands or feet,  everything works.  She kept insisting.   OK I suppose you want to cover yourselves.   Someone bought a chair so I could get off the wet grass and everyone dispersed.  
Ambulance came, yes I had pulled muscles in back, they left again.   I had called David, he was on his way to pick me up.   My back was too sore to drive.   Now here was another problem.   My phone was flat, had to borrow a phone, no use phoning home, kids don't answer land line.   Only phone no. I half knew was Davids.  Speed dial is handy but makes us lazy. Eventually got it right.  David took me home, massaged me, loaded me up with painkillers, went home finished the coffee table he had been making, picked up his work clothes, came back loaded with shopping, ran the spa for me, cooked dinner, another massage, more pain killers.  Think I am very lucky to have someone who cares.   Thanks David.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

liz's show bag

Liz joined me for my lunch break at Chirnside park yesterday and we went to the food court.   We decided on sushi and I found a table while she ordered coffee.  Being school holidays the food court was packed and I eventually found a table.  A couple of minutes after Liz joined me a microphone started blaring.  I looked to the left and sighed.  We were sitting nearly right in front of a food tasting station and a lady with a table  a big wheel and a mike.   We tried to make the best of it but after a while gave up on the conversation.  They're giving away free raffle tickets, go up and get two Liz ordered there's only two left.   No you go, after all she had finished eating and I hadn't, no you go, no you go.   I had to smile we sounded like a couple of little kids bikering.  In the end Liz went up and got a ticket for her and one for me.   It was only a matter of minutes and the first prize was given away.   Now we have a show bag, she paused and reached into the container of tickets, for ticket 16.   Oooo Oooo thats me Liz put her hand up.   There wasn't much in the bag but what a bonus.  Made up for having our hearing blasted.   And we had front row seats for the food tasting as well.