Sunday, February 5, 2012

another weekend

Spent a large bit of the weekend cleaning up the garden. David mowed yesterday, we watered, pulled weeds cleaned and tidied. Even bought a couple of new fuchsia's to replace the ones in the hanging baskets outside the kitchen window. The previous ones didn't survive my time away while I was in the country. One was barely alive so I repotted that one and trimmed it back but I am dubious as to whether that will do it much good. Anyway the only hanging ones I could get were of the same colour and the poor things didn't even come with a name. Just fuchsia - assorted.
As we were finishing up for the day the winds came. Now all our hard work looks to be in vain as there are leaves and branches and twigs blown all over the front and back yards. The winds brought in a cool change and a bit of rain. The rain didn't last long but it did settle the dust and freshen things up a bit so I suppose there are positives to it. Will just have to get back out there in a day or two and rake and pick up again. Who needs a gym when you have a garden!

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