Friday, February 10, 2012


I was looking at recipes for finger food and came across home cooked beetroot.   Now I love beetroot  but I have never cooked it or even eaten home cooked beetroot before.   So I did a bit of reading about the best way to cook beetroot and found out some facinating stuff.  If beetroot can be facinating that is.  Anyway it was oringinally grown for the greens and used as a salad vegetable.   Then some bright spark, most likely from the waste not want not school decided to use the root as well and eventually we ended up with the canned beetroot that everyone has grown to know and love and the greens seemed to have dissapeared off the radar of salad foods.  So I am going to cook up the beetroot and use the beetgreens.  Will have to wait though until after the weekend but am sure it will keep in the bottom of the fridge until I get around to it.  Speaking of which have you ever seen a round toit.  My mum has one on her fridge - just a bit of trivia thrown in there.

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