Monday, February 20, 2012

it began with

It began with a text message to youngest son which read  Now that you have your own place can you come home and sort out what you want and what you don't want so I can put your room in order.  I need a few beds for the weekend.
I puffed my way through the front gate.  I had walked to work and problem was that meant I had to walk home again.  Half hour to work and slightly longer on the return as I was less energetic after a days work and it was uphill on the way home.  As 1 closed my front gate a silver car pulled up.   I didn't want to stand there and do the mummy thing, I just wanted to collapse in a chair with a cool drink but if he had come to clear out his room I was going to give all the encouragement I could.
After a couple of frustrating hours of trying to keep no.4 son motivated and ontask we had Cam's car and Jen Jen's car packed and ready for departure.   The room still needed another attack but at least now it was half done. 
The kids said there goodbyes and started their cars...well one started the other would turn over and not start.  No. 4 son pulled out jumper battery from his boot and hooked it up.  Still car would only turn over and not run.  They decided the jumper battery must be a bit flat so they pulled Jen Jen's car up along side and pulled out jumper leads.  Still car wouldn't run.  Jen Jen turned her car off.  They thought about the situation for a moment and popped the jumper leads back on.  This time it was Jen Jen's car that wouldn't start.  They removed jumper leads and Jen Jen car started.  Jumper leads were put back on.  Still no go.  Ahhmmm Cam I finally interrupted the side show.  Have you checked your petrol gauge. 
Ahhh OK new plan.  We will take Cam with us in Jen Jen car and pick up a can of petrol on the way back.  Oh Jen Jen's car is full of Cam's stuff.  OK Cam you go with Jen Jen and I'll take my car.
Oh no now my car won't start again. Jen Jen said in surprise.  The kids all looked at each other.
I left them to it.

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