Friday, June 1, 2012


I was reading a blog I came across the other day called 100 things.   A young guy deciding he is going to live life to the fullest decides to do 100 things from his list of things to do before I die kind of thing.  You know the live life to the fullest you only have one life, make the most of it..   Great in theory but we all don't think we have a wasted life by just enjoying every day in what we do.  I think that is more to the point of existance.   But on the other hand it is nice to have dreams and have that list tucked away.  My to do list has filled one toilet roll and I am well and truely into the next.  A lot of the things are in the mode of to travel, to go here, to see that and somethings are more practical like to de junk my house.  I looked at the blog of the 100 things and realised he didn't set out with a predetermined list of things to do but  in some cases he made them up as he went along.
Anyway I have started to cross a few things off my list.  Things like
1. learn to dance  2. take the fast train to Ballarat,  just general things but they don't have to be huge things like meeting the Pope to be of value. I think some of the smaller things for a mere non world travelling mortal are just as if not more important than for eg. marrying a stranger in Vegas. ( one of the thing he did in his 100 things blog)
Another thing I can now cross off my list and it wasn't something I set out to do is to stand up to a workplace bully. 
I became indignant at the way she (the bully) was running down a person that we worked in conjunction with and that she had never met.  If she had shut up after the first or second time I may not have said anything.  I would have just let it ride, but she had an audience and she was in making the most of it.  The guy she was running down is a genuine nice guy who works hard to provide a service that he has been thrown into and she was making him out to be some kind of workplace pariah because he was providing this service and working hard to make it work.  I stood up to her on his behalf in a quiet way and then went back to my work. 
That was by far a greater achievement than meeting the Pope.  (no offence to the Pope)

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