Tuesday 25
Took mum up to Mildura to have a mri. The receptionist went though the usual. Do you have any pacemakers, metal plates in your head, ever had any welding steel in your eyes, anything that could contain metal. The best we could come up with was a replacement hip. Figured mums life must have been pretty boring compared to the sound of some of the possibilities. The receptionist finally gave us a form to fill in with pretty much the same type of questions but a few extra added as well. We could actually answer yes to a couple of these but they were the boring medical ones. The radiologist finally took mum down the hall and quickly went through the form and again made sure she wasn’t wearing earrings, any necklaces, nothing metal? He then gave her one of their elegant designer throwaway gowns with the opening at the back, asked her to remove all her clothing and as a bonus she could leave her knickers on as there is no metal in underwear. Uh uh wrong. Half way through the scan and he had to take her knickers off. There was a safety pin in the back of them holding the two pieces of elastic together. And I thought they were being over the top on their metal hunt.
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