Saturday, October 13, 2012

nose bleed

Couldn't say that my trip to Perth got off on the best of starts.   The trip across was a little rough in patches but good.   Coming into Perth at dawn was a magnificant experience.  The dark orange glow of the horizon was magical.  We started to descend quite noticibly and a pain like a needle being pushed up through my left temple through the outside edge of my left eyebrow hit me.   All I could do was sit there with my hand tightly pushed to the side of my head to try to relieve the pain.   It lasted until we landed.  It eased off a bit as we got closer to landing but the pain was incredible.   It stayed with me for a while after we landed but only to a small degree and when I blew my nose there was blood.   Ooo not good and I have to fly home as well.   Nothing like this has ever happened before.  I swallowed a couple of panadol on the plane but it took a while for the pain to ease noticibly.
PS I was still getting a taint of blood when I blew my nose for 2 days afterwards.

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