Wednesday, February 15, 2012

valentines day

Have decided that some people should not own DSLR cameras.  Namely moi.  Why? I am sure someone will ask, why not?  Because to some people they could be v. dangerous to mental health. 
Had a lovely Valentines day dinner at a quiet restaurant in Thornbury on a little balcony overlooking High street, it had cute appeal with little round two seater tables and a young trendy crowd.   Most of them were tatted up and kept up with facebook friends while having a conversation and a meal.  So, so far so good nothing to do with a camera,  Got home today after work and Jarrod had thoughtfully bought me home a lovely box of flowers.   Decided to take a photo of said box of flowers.  - here is where the camera comes in -   The camera wouldn't work.  I tried everything.   I changed the position of the flowers, I tried a different focus,  I put it on auto, tried all the different manual settings, everything seemed to be working.  The flash would pop up, the camera would wirr away but I could not take a photo.   Arrrgh.  I decided to get my glasses and have a look at the menu.  Changed random items on the menu thinking something must work, but no it still would not work.   Stress levels are v. high at this time.  Am thinking of throwing things - namely the camera -  Am sure this would make me feel better.  Am thinking angrily It worked last time I used it and I uploaded the photo's to my lap top and that was only a couple of days ago...Pause as realisation hits...Oh maybe that was what that funny little symbol at the bottom of the camera meant.  I retrieved my camera bag and took out the card reader.  I opened the card reader and there encased safely in the card reader was the cameras memory card.

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