Saturday, February 11, 2012

still growing


sweet banana capsicum

tomatoes beginning to colour

I think I have found my very first bean


butternut pumpkin

more tomatoes

Another weekend trip to the country.  On arrival I checked out my vegie garden and admired how it had grown.   The little green tomatoes were now large green tomatoes that were beginning to colour and some of them had ripened.  There were capsicum in abundance and the carrots and onions were thriving.   The wall of beans was now a thick mass with lots of flowers but so far none of the flowers had produced any beans.  Not one single bean.  I don’t know what has happened here but they are supposed to be pickable after 12 weeks.  They were planted on the 31 November so supposedly in 3 weeks there is supposed to be a crop.  I checked out my corn at the bottom of the garden.  There were several tufted cobs on the stalks.  I walked around to the front of the row of corn to get a better look.  I felt the toe of my shoe stand on something, which immediately moved.  I looked down to see a small brown snake S its way away from me into the corn then through the fence into the Jerusalem artichoke.  It would have been about a foot long and as thick as my (rather large) little finger.  Oh well we are in the country here but I must remember in the future to look where I am walking in the garden.  I guess with all of the vines and moisture it is a perfect place for a young snake.  And I am thinking if there is one baby snake, maybe there is a family of snakes somewhere near so I will have to be extra vigilant.