Sunday, February 26, 2012

a walk along a beach

Then a walk along a beautiful beach.  Rocky outcrops and swimming beaches.

a visit to a coal mine

Did the tourist thing on Sunday and went for a tour through the Wonthaggii Coal.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

a wedding

Robert and Donna

Friday, February 24, 2012

last day

Greg bought me a bunch of lovely roses for my last day.  I was touched.

It was my last day driving the mobile full time.  It was kind of a flat day.   Don't know what I was  expecting but there it was.   Have been getting well wishes all week and I will miss the people.  Some things I won't miss, like the computer problems and the rain and the heat and the dust.   But there are a lot of things I will miss.  Loved the job.   Best job in the world but hopefully my new position will be just as good.   I like Lilydale but there will be a bit of re adjustment but I am sure I can do it.
I was going to ask  for Friday off to make a long weekend at Wonthaggi but I could not miss my last day on the truck.
We left home about 6.30.  I was a bit slow in packing after work.  Just as we were getting into Wonthaggi I realised that I had several missed calls and a message.   It was from the Wonthaggi Motel and if they hadn't heard from me by 9 they were going to rebook the room.  It was now 5 to 9 and after much panicked fumbling I couldn't phone them back quick enough.  This weekend just happened to be the same weekend that the world super bikes were in Philip Island and everywhere was booked solid.  Good thing we called when we did.  The price of the room also reflected the fact that accomidation was a premium.   It didn't matter that we had booked nearly 12 months ago.  Anyway all was well that ended well and the beauty of where we were was that we could walk to and from the reception.

Monday, February 20, 2012

it began with

It began with a text message to youngest son which read  Now that you have your own place can you come home and sort out what you want and what you don't want so I can put your room in order.  I need a few beds for the weekend.
I puffed my way through the front gate.  I had walked to work and problem was that meant I had to walk home again.  Half hour to work and slightly longer on the return as I was less energetic after a days work and it was uphill on the way home.  As 1 closed my front gate a silver car pulled up.   I didn't want to stand there and do the mummy thing, I just wanted to collapse in a chair with a cool drink but if he had come to clear out his room I was going to give all the encouragement I could.
After a couple of frustrating hours of trying to keep no.4 son motivated and ontask we had Cam's car and Jen Jen's car packed and ready for departure.   The room still needed another attack but at least now it was half done. 
The kids said there goodbyes and started their cars...well one started the other would turn over and not start.  No. 4 son pulled out jumper battery from his boot and hooked it up.  Still car would only turn over and not run.  They decided the jumper battery must be a bit flat so they pulled Jen Jen's car up along side and pulled out jumper leads.  Still car wouldn't run.  Jen Jen turned her car off.  They thought about the situation for a moment and popped the jumper leads back on.  This time it was Jen Jen's car that wouldn't start.  They removed jumper leads and Jen Jen car started.  Jumper leads were put back on.  Still no go.  Ahhmmm Cam I finally interrupted the side show.  Have you checked your petrol gauge. 
Ahhh OK new plan.  We will take Cam with us in Jen Jen car and pick up a can of petrol on the way back.  Oh Jen Jen's car is full of Cam's stuff.  OK Cam you go with Jen Jen and I'll take my car.
Oh no now my car won't start again. Jen Jen said in surprise.  The kids all looked at each other.
I left them to it.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

lazy days Bali style

Picture me with a jack daniels in hand in the yellow hammock, two dogs vying for attention and you have our afternoon.  It doesn't look like we are doing much but we learnt a lot that lazy afternoon.

lesson no. 1 how not to get out of a hammock

...the lesson continues

lesson no.2. how not to get into a hammock

...the lessons continue

...and continue

how to catch a high ball stance no.1

how to catch a high ball stance no. 2

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

valentines day

Have decided that some people should not own DSLR cameras.  Namely moi.  Why? I am sure someone will ask, why not?  Because to some people they could be v. dangerous to mental health. 
Had a lovely Valentines day dinner at a quiet restaurant in Thornbury on a little balcony overlooking High street, it had cute appeal with little round two seater tables and a young trendy crowd.   Most of them were tatted up and kept up with facebook friends while having a conversation and a meal.  So, so far so good nothing to do with a camera,  Got home today after work and Jarrod had thoughtfully bought me home a lovely box of flowers.   Decided to take a photo of said box of flowers.  - here is where the camera comes in -   The camera wouldn't work.  I tried everything.   I changed the position of the flowers, I tried a different focus,  I put it on auto, tried all the different manual settings, everything seemed to be working.  The flash would pop up, the camera would wirr away but I could not take a photo.   Arrrgh.  I decided to get my glasses and have a look at the menu.  Changed random items on the menu thinking something must work, but no it still would not work.   Stress levels are v. high at this time.  Am thinking of throwing things - namely the camera -  Am sure this would make me feel better.  Am thinking angrily It worked last time I used it and I uploaded the photo's to my lap top and that was only a couple of days ago...Pause as realisation hits...Oh maybe that was what that funny little symbol at the bottom of the camera meant.  I retrieved my camera bag and took out the card reader.  I opened the card reader and there encased safely in the card reader was the cameras memory card.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

not just any tomato

a ripe zebra tomato
I think this is called a Zebra tomato and it is ready to eat.  Isn't it beautiful.  I was reading a book a couple of days ago and they mentioned a purple cauliflower.  Now I had never heard of that before and did actually wonder if it was an actual vegetable or a bit of a story line.  Then I went into work on Monday and there was a basket of these wonderous tomatos free to a good home.  I looked them up on the internet and found a whole family of different tomatos including black ones.   There is also purple spinach and the purple cauliflower.  It makes my vegie garden look dull.  I am so going to plant some green and maybe some purple tomatos next year.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

little lady

Isn't she just beautiful.  She has adopted Lois and seems to be living under mums house.  She is very affectionate and loves people but I am wondering if she has a home to go to.  She is also v. smart and knows when it is meal time. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

still growing


sweet banana capsicum

tomatoes beginning to colour

I think I have found my very first bean


butternut pumpkin

more tomatoes

Another weekend trip to the country.  On arrival I checked out my vegie garden and admired how it had grown.   The little green tomatoes were now large green tomatoes that were beginning to colour and some of them had ripened.  There were capsicum in abundance and the carrots and onions were thriving.   The wall of beans was now a thick mass with lots of flowers but so far none of the flowers had produced any beans.  Not one single bean.  I don’t know what has happened here but they are supposed to be pickable after 12 weeks.  They were planted on the 31 November so supposedly in 3 weeks there is supposed to be a crop.  I checked out my corn at the bottom of the garden.  There were several tufted cobs on the stalks.  I walked around to the front of the row of corn to get a better look.  I felt the toe of my shoe stand on something, which immediately moved.  I looked down to see a small brown snake S its way away from me into the corn then through the fence into the Jerusalem artichoke.  It would have been about a foot long and as thick as my (rather large) little finger.  Oh well we are in the country here but I must remember in the future to look where I am walking in the garden.  I guess with all of the vines and moisture it is a perfect place for a young snake.  And I am thinking if there is one baby snake, maybe there is a family of snakes somewhere near so I will have to be extra vigilant.

Friday, February 10, 2012


I was looking at recipes for finger food and came across home cooked beetroot.   Now I love beetroot  but I have never cooked it or even eaten home cooked beetroot before.   So I did a bit of reading about the best way to cook beetroot and found out some facinating stuff.  If beetroot can be facinating that is.  Anyway it was oringinally grown for the greens and used as a salad vegetable.   Then some bright spark, most likely from the waste not want not school decided to use the root as well and eventually we ended up with the canned beetroot that everyone has grown to know and love and the greens seemed to have dissapeared off the radar of salad foods.  So I am going to cook up the beetroot and use the beetgreens.  Will have to wait though until after the weekend but am sure it will keep in the bottom of the fridge until I get around to it.  Speaking of which have you ever seen a round toit.  My mum has one on her fridge - just a bit of trivia thrown in there.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

australia post delivers...again

Walked outside at 7.45 am today and there was the parcel propped up against the fence looking like a drunk trying to figure out what to do next. Think it must be a new policy of Australia Post. Just deliver it dammit. But then again they don't deliver letters personally do they?  Letters are left whether you are home or not. Anyway once again glad I didn't have to go up to the post office to pick it up but what if it had rained or the dogs had decided to play with it or somone walking past had decided they liked the look of it?

Monday, February 6, 2012

share a coke with david

Went into the local bakery to get a cool drink when I spied a 600 ml Share a Coke with Abbi.  I had only ever seen the share  bottles in the 1.25 litre and hadn't had the time to go through them.  Well I don't know an Abbi but I began looking through the bottles on the shelf for just anyone I knew.   The woman restocking the fridge was having a bit of a giggle.  It's a great marketing ploy she chuckled.  Yes I know.  I was now juggling half a dozen bottles trying to find someone I knew.   Oooo there's David I yelled excitedly.   I glanced behind me.   A young couple were standing waiting to access the fridge.  They didn't join in my excitement in fact they looked like they thought I was a bit looney.   I replaced the unwanted bottles and went to the register to pay.  Ooops I've bought Abbi with me as well must have put my zero back instead.  Won't be a sec.  I headed back to the fridge.  Sorry excuse me, just have to swap these bottles over.  The young couple took sideways steps and let the crazy woman though.  Thanks, I called as I headed back to the counter.  The woman behind the counter began tallying up my purchases.  I haven't been able to find one with my name on it she said and I've seen a few cartons.  Oh it would have been great if there had been a Maggie one I enthused.  Can't remember seeing one of those either she commiserated.  I paid for my find and headed back to work.  I told beautiful Jen Jen about my David bottle.  She raced upstairs and came back with two similar bottles.   One was Jen and the other Jarrod.  I've been looking everywhere for Jen she said excitedly and can you believe I went up to the local servo and there was a Jen bottle and right next to it Jarrod.  
Mmmm maybe we need to get out and get a life.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

another weekend

Spent a large bit of the weekend cleaning up the garden. David mowed yesterday, we watered, pulled weeds cleaned and tidied. Even bought a couple of new fuchsia's to replace the ones in the hanging baskets outside the kitchen window. The previous ones didn't survive my time away while I was in the country. One was barely alive so I repotted that one and trimmed it back but I am dubious as to whether that will do it much good. Anyway the only hanging ones I could get were of the same colour and the poor things didn't even come with a name. Just fuchsia - assorted.
As we were finishing up for the day the winds came. Now all our hard work looks to be in vain as there are leaves and branches and twigs blown all over the front and back yards. The winds brought in a cool change and a bit of rain. The rain didn't last long but it did settle the dust and freshen things up a bit so I suppose there are positives to it. Will just have to get back out there in a day or two and rake and pick up again. Who needs a gym when you have a garden!

my beautiful boy

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

birds of a feather


olinda creek trail

Olinda Creek Trail starting from the bridge on Hull Rd to Birmingham Rd is a very short peaceful and very pretty walk. The trail continues along Swansea Rd and finishes near the York On Lilydale. In all only a couple of k's one way.  Can't guarentee that your walk will come with a fisherman but maybe you could stop and do a bit of fishing yourself.  I had just been looking at the water and thinking that the gentleman fishing would have buckleys of catching anything in the rather murky looking little creek when he pulled out a decent sized fish. I didn't stop to chat but I was quite impressed.