Monday, May 21, 2012


David Dropped me off in the city today at 7.  Had two and a half hour wait til the supreme court opened.   I went and checked out where I was to go and asked the lass opening a newstand where the closest McDonald's was. Porkastreeta she replied and looked down queens st.  Huh, I must have missed something there.  Sorry where was that I enquired again.   Porkastreeta she again replied, then most likely noticing my blank look she added down streeta thata way and she pointed left and smiled.  Thank you, I smiled back still not sure where I was to be going.  I started off down the road and came to the first road..  It was little Bourke St.  Arha.   Bourke street mall.  Of course there is a McDonalds there.  A couple of minutes later and I was warmly ensconced with a cup of coffee in maccas with a cute little sparrow for company.

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