Wednesday, April 25, 2012

dawn service

Up at 4.30 on a drizzly overcast day to attend the Anzac Day dawn service in the city today.  I made sure I was well rugged up.   My socks came up over my knees had a warm skivvy, warm jumper, thick warm waterproof jacket and my trusty clear and pink umberella and I was ready to go.  We got in there about 5.30 but others obviously were there a lot earlier than us for the service.   Didn't get much of a vantage point and the not so loud speakers could have been notched up a click or two but glad I was there.  A crowd of about 30,000 and yes I would go again.  It drizzled with rain for the entire service and towards the end my phone alarm went off.   Oops forgot all about it.   Poor David was a tad embarrassed by it but hey he should not have been thinking nasty thoughts about the person so inconsiderate as to be getting calls at that time of the morning.  It also prompted him to turn his phone off so he was just lucky it wasn't him.   As the service ended it began to pour with rain.  Glad to see mother nature tried so hard to keep it down to a minimum during the service.

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