Thursday, March 29, 2012

what the...they didn't predict rain!

Decided to go to my favourite noodle shop after work tonight and treat myself to my favourite meal Curry Laska. Relaxed and read the paper and had a slow meal. V. enjoyable. Finally decided to head home. Walked outside and noticed the sky looking very ominous. Decided there had been no forecast of rain so headed towards home. I hadn't gone very far when several plops of rain stared to fall. Then I was torn. Do I head for shelter and call for a ride home or do I just brave it and keep walking? I began heading for cover then changed my mind and headed back towards home again. The rain was drying up nearly as quickly as it hit the ground so I took a chance on it not getting to heavy. By the time I got to the lake I was beginning to think I had made the wrong decision. The rain was getting heavier. What the heck. Surely I can't get to wet in the next two or so k's. I drapped my jacket over my head and kept walking. It was a lovely mild night. Perfect for walking except for the rain and I wasn't in a hurry. I finally reached the footpath on the other side of Swansea Rd. The trees hung over the footpath and it was dry. Glad I had made the right decision I ambled home just enjoying the walk. The more I walk to walk the closer it seems to be getting.

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