Saturday, March 31, 2012

graham's 60th

The first of the cousins to turn 60. Now that is a real milestone. That's scary. I'm fifth in line. This is one time I wish I was further down the line but never mind.
Had a nice night at the Merbein Club. I haven't been there for about 35 years. I remembered a bit of the road but that was about it. It is always nice to meet up with the rellies again. Don't do it often enough. We - David Rodger and I - left about 10 and drove back to Robinvale.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

what the...they didn't predict rain!

Decided to go to my favourite noodle shop after work tonight and treat myself to my favourite meal Curry Laska. Relaxed and read the paper and had a slow meal. V. enjoyable. Finally decided to head home. Walked outside and noticed the sky looking very ominous. Decided there had been no forecast of rain so headed towards home. I hadn't gone very far when several plops of rain stared to fall. Then I was torn. Do I head for shelter and call for a ride home or do I just brave it and keep walking? I began heading for cover then changed my mind and headed back towards home again. The rain was drying up nearly as quickly as it hit the ground so I took a chance on it not getting to heavy. By the time I got to the lake I was beginning to think I had made the wrong decision. The rain was getting heavier. What the heck. Surely I can't get to wet in the next two or so k's. I drapped my jacket over my head and kept walking. It was a lovely mild night. Perfect for walking except for the rain and I wasn't in a hurry. I finally reached the footpath on the other side of Swansea Rd. The trees hung over the footpath and it was dry. Glad I had made the right decision I ambled home just enjoying the walk. The more I walk to walk the closer it seems to be getting.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

no so comfy undies

I hitched and pulled at my underpants for most of the day today.  They just weren't comfortable.  I can't understand it.  I've worn these ones before and they have been v. comfy.  Maybe it is the pants that I am wearing them with!  I tugged and hitched at my underwear again.  They felt like they were riding down the backs of my legs.  Thats it, they are in the bin when I get home. 
Not long before knock off time I went to the ladies.  It was then that I noticed the little white tag at the front of my undies.  Ahh guess that solves the riddle of the uncomfortable underwear.  They were on back to front.  I thought about changing them then thought against it.   I would have to unlace my double knotted shoes and I just couldn't be bothered.  I had put up with them all day so what was another half hour going to matter.  Guess my undies will get to see another day.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Two train tickets

I Have found the easiest way to buy country train tickets is to order them over the phone then go in and pick them up from one of the suburbian stations, so that is what I did. It would have been nice if it was as easy as it sounded this time.
Quite often I pay for them over the phone as well. But this time I wanted to check with David as to whether he was still going with me. Yes he was and I has until 8 today to pick up the tickets. I didn't want to chance missing out on a seat on the bus as this weekend is the start of the school holidays,
I rocked up to the station and remembered to bring the reservation number. Had the money in the pocket of my jeans, waited politely while the suebian passengers bought their tickets, gave my details to the attendant, he tried asking me questions while the tannoy blared. Sorry coildn't hear a thing, very loud I apologized. I pulled the money out of my pocket and suddenly realised that I had only bought enough money for one ticket. Oh heck what now, my brain went into overdrive. Just hold those tickets for a few minutes I nearly yelled at him. I've only bought enough money for one ticket. I'll be back in a minute. I raced back to the car. I really didn't feel up to driving home and then back again. I hadn't bought my bag or anything else with me. Then I remembered jarrod. I had dropped him off at work on my way to the station. I raced to the shop. Jarrod pulled two new looking $50 notes from his wallet and I hurriedly pushed them into the pocket of my jeans jumped back into the car and raced back to the station.
Sorry about that I smiled at the attendant. He retrieved the tickets for me and I pulled out my money. Oh that's the original $80 I must have put the two fifties into my other pocket. No not there either, coat pocket maybe but I'm sure I put the money in my jeans pocket. Won't be a sec. I checked my pockets again and then my back pockets. I was feeling very confused. There is no where else I could have put the money. Oh no! The money must have fallen out of my pocket. The poor attendant looked nearly horrified as I felt. He pushed my $80's back to me as I took off nearly running back to the car. Please let it have fallen out in the car.
I was nearly back to the car when I saw the two notes on the footpath fluttering in the light breeze. Oh how lucky is that. I grabbed the notes up and raced back to get my tickets. The attendant looked relieved and counted my money three times, I think just to make sure it was all there. I clutched my hard earnt tickets and as he gave me my change he said. I think you had better get yourself a coffee. I couldn't agree more.

off to school

Being my RDO today I went with no.1 son when he took favorite grandson to school this morning. Of course it just happened to be the first foggy morning for the year but it did add to the beauty. We went the traffic free way through the mountains. Stopped off for a coffee at Belgrave on the way home.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Swapped birthday

I arrived home from work on Siunday to find the house all kitted out for my birthday and my family all there (except for sons 2 and 4). How lovely. It's not my birthday until next week but I am not goin to be here then. David and I as going to be in Merbein for my cousin Graham's 60th birthday. For this year we seem to be doing a swap as his birthday is this weekend and mine is next. The kids gave me a medal for being older and wiser and an iPad. First thing to be downloaded was the overdrive app so I can download ebooks from the library. I feel truly spoilt.  There are accessories arriving as well. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

songs for mum

Mums funeral today. The boys looked very smart in their suits as pall bearers. We had originaly decided to have the coffin graveside but the grandkids wanted to do this one last thing for Grandma. Danny gave a beautiful remembrance fro the grandkids. So proud of him.
Mums songs were

Will you remember me by Sarah McLachlan
Three times a lady by Lionel Ritchie
I'll take you home again Kathleen by the Furies

The weather held off and there were a few spits of rain as we left the cemetery. As the wake which was held at home was finishing up the skys opened and the rain poured down. Mum giving her garden one last drink.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012

last flower

Mum passed away this morning.  I'm not going to say anything more about it right now.  Maybe later when I am able. 
There was one lone rose in the garden.   Mums favourite flower was the rose.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

the engagement party

The day dawned overcast but dry. Still not the best day for the party but at least it wasn't raining...yet.  We went into get everything ready for the party mode.   I finished the inside and David the outside.   Yes I think I will be ready on time.  As the morning flew by the sun came out and shone brightly and as in the itsy bitsy spider story it dried up all the rain.  I couldn't believe it.  Everything was looking like yesterday had never been a soggy day.
It was a lovely day.   The BBQ sizzled and the prizes were handed out in the dart game (I didn't get one but I'm over that now), the cake was cut and not too much dirt was tramped through the house.  A good day.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

the day before the party

Willow after her shower.

Tomorrow we have a rather large engagement party happening in the backyard and today we are hoping to get it all cleaned and ready BUT it won't stop raining.   It has raining lightly or drizzled heavily whichever way you choose to look at it all day.   Everything is taking twice as long to do and everywhere is mud and slush.  The dogs are both going to need a wash as they have had huge fun today running around in the mud. 
I think after a long wet day we are half ready for tomorrow.  Good thing it doesn't start until 2.