Tuesday, January 17, 2012

finally packed away the tree


There were still two presents sitting under the Christmas tree.   Their recipient had been notified but never arrived to open them.  So the Christmas tree was finally packed away today and the presents, looking rather unloved left sitting on the carpet, alone.  One day when the reason for the presents has faded and they no longer have the same magic the recipient will arrive to claim them.   There won't be the fanfare or the audience of Christmas Day but they will finally go home.
Taking down the tree I slowly unravelled the colourful lights from the tree and felt a little sad that I had only seen them on a couple of times over Christmas.  I love the twinkling colours of fairy lights.  So I decided to recycle them and enjoy the magic of the fairy lights every night.   I read the label carefully to make sure they were indoor / outdoor lights but the adaptor was for indoor use only.  Well the power point is indoors so that won't be a problem.  I strung them along the footpath in the greenery leading up to the front door.   Now I can't wait for it to get dark tonight so I can see my plants come alive with all the reds blues and greens dancing over them.

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