Modo had his second flyball lesson yesterday. I was going to race home after flyball, drop Modo off, go across to Davids then we were going to go into the Melbourne show. That was how the day was supposed to go. Instead it went kind of like this.
Arrived early at flyball. Modo was excited. Of five dogs that started last week only two turned up. Well the first week was a bit disheartening. Modo did a run through, he was co-operative today. We did a second run through this time I was to run so Modo would chase and run faster. As Modo neared me I ran, after several steps, looked behind to see where he was, slipped landed heavily on my tail. Oh this is embarrassing I thought as I sailed through the air. I half sat there winded and in exteme pain. Oh no was my next thought this is even more embarrassing, I can't get up. People and dogs converged from everywhere. The first aide lady wanted to call an ambulance. I didn't want her too. People and dogs staring. Just give me a bit of time, everyone go back where you came from. No one moved. I would feel better if you all left, but I was now the entertainment for the day. First aide lady insisted on calling an ambulance. Look I am fine just pulled the muscles in my back, there is no pain in my spine, no tingling in hands or feet, everything works. She kept insisting. OK I suppose you want to cover yourselves. Someone bought a chair so I could get off the wet grass and everyone dispersed.
Ambulance came, yes I had pulled muscles in back, they left again. I had called David, he was on his way to pick me up. My back was too sore to drive. Now here was another problem. My phone was flat, had to borrow a phone, no use phoning home, kids don't answer land line. Only phone no. I half knew was Davids. Speed dial is handy but makes us lazy. Eventually got it right. David took me home, massaged me, loaded me up with painkillers, went home finished the coffee table he had been making, picked up his work clothes, came back loaded with shopping, ran the spa for me, cooked dinner, another massage, more pain killers. Think I am very lucky to have someone who cares. Thanks David.
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