We decided to make pancakes after dinner last night. Haven't had them for years and had no idea of the recipe. A couple of minutes later and I had pancake recipe typed into google. Clicked on the first result. Corn pancakes, apple and cinnamon, coconut, banana . No no no just simple ordinary plain pancakes. Clicked on second result, flour, bicarb, lemon juice, make sure milk is full cream, there was about 10 ingredients and steps just to make the pancake. No that's too much like hard work. Clicked on third result.
That looks better. I read the recipe out to David
100 grams of flour
250 ml of milk
1 egg
half teaspoon of salt
He dumped all the ingredients into a bowl and started whisking.
Oh it says to add egg and a little milk to the flour and salt then gradually add the milk until bubbles start appearing.
Is long life milk ok? David asked. Guess it will have to be. And plain flour? Guess so.
The bubbles have started to appear.
When mum cooked pancakes at home she would let the mix sit for a couple of hours before cooking. Doesn't say anything about that in this recipe. It just says to use a pouring jug for easier handling.
David thought about it for a moment. How about we let the mix sit while we have a glass of wine.
Sounds like the perfect way to make pancakes to me.
A glass of red for David and a glass of white for me and the cooking began.
The first one was a bit thick, the second one a bit small, the third one a bit burnt the forth one well I think it resembled the shape of a funny cloud. Maybe they would have turned out a bit better if we had stopped at one glass of wine. The first two were spread liberally with raspberry jam. We began reminiscing about the lemon juice and sugar on the wafter thin pancakes we had as kids. I rummaged around in the fridge and came up with a lemon. The best I could do in the sugar department was raw sugar. I even rolled them and cut them in half exactly as my mum did.
Oh that is so so nice. Next time I am making a double batch.