Monday, October 29, 2007

RSS Feeds - aghhhhhh

RSS Feeds – I have become stuck on them and I have decided to move on. I no longer care if I know how they work. I have read and read and still I do not understand. I signed up for them and waited eagerly for them to arrive. But nothing. I read about Feedstar and copied a link to my home page and zillions of feeds arrived but that was not what I really wanted. I am sure I didn’t ask for anything to arrive through Feedstar I was just experimenting.
RSS Feeds. I know what they are and I kind of know how they work BUT how do you get them to where you want them and the ones you want?
I still have some of the now generation living at home. I know they still live at home because the fridge empties and the laundry basket fills at a scary rate. I just have to time it right and find a time when one of my now generation and I are in the house at the same time and we both have 5 minutes to spare.
Tonight was my chance. I came home to the smell of food cooking and what was more not one but four of the now generation were congregating in my kitchen. I cornered the youngest thinking that I would have the best chance of help from him but when I mentioned RSS Feeds he just looked at me blankly. Time to get serious here, this time I go for the leader of the pack.
Oh not a problem. Lets have a look uh huh uh huh uh huh OK where do you want them to go and how many headlines do you want? Where do you want them to come from? Now this is all you need to do copy this we’ll delete Feedstar put the link in here and done.
OK so what has taken me 2 weeks to try to understand the leader of the pack has just done in 10 minutes. OK I can live with that, I am just glad it is done. Now I can finally move on but will I remember it tomorrow?

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